Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Florida, Here I Come!

Yep. That' right peeps. in mid-July I'll soakin' up the sun in good old Panama City Beach, Florida! Gods, I'm so stoked!!!! I haven't been to a beach in over 10 years! I'm going to swim, make sand castles, get a tan, snorcal-oh yeah! I'M SO PUMPED! Sadly I'm a little pudgy at the moment so I have about 4 months to loose 20-30 pound. Gods, this will be impossible. But I am determined be healthier then I am now. I haven't gotten to do anything yet though-it sucks. Missouri is pretty unpredictable when it comes to weather especially in March. Like yesterday, it was bitter cold and today it rained nearly all day so I couldn't go out to walk. And our tredmele is....underseige, currently collecting dust in our basement. But hopefully my strong Daddy can bring it upstairs so I can start shedding pounds.

Now usually when I set a goal, I end up slacking off because I'm either A) Procaustinating or B) Lazy. But I am determined to stick to my goal since I already don't have much time to loose what I need. I just want to look good in a bikini. Is that too much to ask? But it will all be worth it a I show off my new bod in the nice beach house that my mom rented on our 60 ft stretch of private beach. *whimpers* oooooh....I want to go now!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"The Missing Symbols": NOW AVAILABLE!

The title is pretty much self explanatory. "The Last of the Demigods: The Missing Symbols"(book 1) is now available to be purchased online either at http://www.amazon.com/ or http://www.barnesandnoble.com/. I don't know why but for right now the book is only able to be purchased online. Hopefully that will only be temporary.

 I still dream that maybe one day this novel that I worked on for about three years with my best friend Jessica will take off and become as popular as 'Percy Jackson'. He inspired me you know. Rick Riordan is the very person that inspired me to realize that I was born to be a writer. I even thanked him in the acknowledgents for he started this whole journey for me. His voice called out to me, saying that this is what I was made to do.

"The Missing Symbols" first started out as a fanfiction for 'Percy Jackson'. But soon after I began writing it, I realized how great it was next thing I knew, I was working on my own novel. And I was only...16 I believe. Or 17. Ugh I can't remember. Anywho, after months of planning and writing, it still wasn't original enough. You don't want to know how many times I've re-written and re-plotted this baby. It was hard too. Too hard for something to do on my own. And that's when I called out for help from my best friend and now coauthor, Jessica Willis. She's the best! She's a true writer at heart just like me. It's our passion. Just like a musician's to play guitar or an artist to paint...it's what we were destined to do.

So no matter what people say, if you have a dream, follow your heart. Celebrities were once normal people just like you and me, having a dream to become and actor or singer. You just need to work at it and not give up.

Till next time...:)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Not Much of a Life...

That title is pretty much self explainatory. I don't have a boyfriend, I don't have a car and my book isn't out yet. Ugh.

Some life, huh?

I just turned 20 last Friday and I STILL never had a real boyfriend...well there was this one guy for ten days but he was a douche and only wanted me to get in bed with him so yeah, I don't count him. All that Allen ever got was my first kiss-that's it. That's all I had so far. Ugh. I'm just a lonely Aquarious wanting a boyfriend this year. So I was extra bumbed today since it was the most romantic day of the year but I shouldn't fret. I'll find someone soon. Or well that's what my friends tell me anyways. I made a new friend named Ayla and she's in the same boat: neither of us never had a real boyfriend so it's nice to talk to someone who you can share your misery with. It's just not the same when you talk to a friend who actually HAD or is IN a relationship even though they say they understand. It just isn't.

I apologize if this reminds you of your similar sad life(if it refers anyways) but I just have to get all this sadness out of me somehow so I thought a blog would be perfect.

But anyways yeah I just turned 20 yet I don't look 20. Whenever I meet someone new and they ask how old I am they usually reply with, "What? No way you're 20." Because apparently I look more like a 16-year-old. For example:

Last summer, I went to Worlds of Fun to go see Big Time Rush LIVE since I'm such a huge fan. While waiting for them to come on stage, I got to talking to this small group of girls that were sitting next to me. They were nice and we ended up about who we'd like to date out of the guys.

One girl went, "Oh I'd so date Logan!"

Then the other said, "It would never happen, you're sixteen."

Then I go, "Well I'm 19 so I could date of any of them."

You should have seen their faces when I said that. They just stopped and stared at me.

So yeah that's just another example of people believing that I'm younger then my actual age. But you know what my mom said about that? It was hilarious! After I told her about that that she said, "Well you'll love that when you're older."

That cracked me up!

But anyways my birthday was okay I guess. I envited that I guy I like, James but guess what? He never showed up!!! So I was kind of grouchy after that. Bowling helped though. I just took out my anger into the bowling ball and it felt good watching it roll and slam into the pins. I thought, Ha! Take that pins! Feel my wrath! But after the bowling I got to unwrap my presents which wasn't much but I loved what I got. I got a Barnes and Noble giftcard from my dad's friend, Mike and his wife Cristy; then I got yet ANOTHER gift card for Barnes and Noble from my good friend, Zachary Love AND book one of "The 13th Reality" series by James Dashner so I was like, YES! I love James Dashner! Zach introduced me to his most popular, The Maze Runner trilogy which is in my opinion REALLY GOOD! Book 2 is The Scorch Trials and book 3 is The Death Cure which is what I'm on now. If you read them then you know who Minho is and he's my favorite after what happened to Chuck....okay wow I spent way too much time on that.

*clears throat in the awkwardness* oooookaaaay, back to my birthday.

So yeah Friday was the party and at my house on birthdays, we alway go out to eat wherever we want and as usual I chose Olive Garden because I just looooove Italian. The food was really good that night because it was busy so it was all hot and fresh.

Even though my birthday was on a weekend, we stopped celebrating after Saturday. I got some birthday money from some relatives and I was planning on purchasing a wacom tablet and photoshop but it was too pricy which really pissed me off so I have to wait a while until I have enough money saved up. Boy, did that piss me off. I didn't even get to to Barnes and Noble!


Well that's it for today.

Later viewers!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Out of all the times during the publishing process for my book, it's finally dawning on me now that my dream of becoming a published author will be coming true; and to make it even feel more unbelievable, I'll only be 20-years-old. So if this takes off and will be the next Percy Jackson, I could be settled for life(well I hope that will happen anyways).

From as long as I could remember, I've always been into mythology whether it's Greek, Egyptain etc, it has always fascinated me. And when you love it and want to become an author, it just opens so many doors on what you could create. Like "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" for example. It has so much originality to it! As you can see I'm a BIG Percy Jackson fan and I'm totally obsessed with it. Rick Riordan is my hero, the person who made me realize that I wanted to become a writer. I even thanked him in the acknowledgements. Yeah, that's right. So if he ever read "The Last of the Demigods: The Missing Symbols" and said it was amazing? I think I would die from shock.

But I certainly write more then just mythology though I have a lot of fun with it. It's my comfort zone if you will. I love fiction whether it's mystery, sci-fi etc. I don't do much reality fiction though because it was always too boring for me; I always had to put some kind of twist on it. In my writing, it's humorous and mysterious, enough to keep you turning the pages. I love shockers and backstabbers, things that keep books come alive and have you say, "Whaaaat?!" *laughs* I also love writing in 1st person, like this post for example. I find it more enjoyable and the reader feels closer to the protagonist. But I have experimented and I don't mind writing in 3rd person. My friend Jessica though LOVES it. We even wrote "The Missing Symbols" in 3rd person. But I think as a solo author after this, I'll mostly write in 1st.

Now besides "The Last of the Demigods" that I wrote with Jessica Willis(my best friend), I do have other writings that I'm working on to keep me busy. Like for example I have this novel in progress called "Egyptain Blood" where a New Yorker kid gets kidnapped from an evil Ancient Egytpain ruler and is sent back int the Ancient times. That's all I'm giving away for now but so far that is the only really book that I've gotten the farthest on. My good friend Zach read all of it so far and he absolutely loves it.

I'm Aquarious and our kind always has more fun when we got stuff to do and due to writer's block, I haven't worked on "Egytpain Blood" since September but I have come up with so many ideas it got to the point where I couldn't keep track on what to work on.

I miss that feeling though. I miss knowing that when I'd stop working on one book, I'd have another. I don't know if I have ADD or ADHD but sometimes I can't stand working on something for too long. I think maybe that's why I come up with so many ideas so I could always go to something else. But I don't care. I love how I am. I love my big awesome brain. I'm so creative and I love how easily inspired I can be. It also helps thinking that famous series such as Percy Jackson or Harry Potter all started out small, just from one simple idea. If you're a writer and always keep that on mind, it's just enough to kick you in gear to create something amazing.

So whoever reads this post PLEASE purchase, "The Last of the Demigods: The Missing Symbols". It is truly amazing with original characters and more. We don't have the release date yet but don't worry. When Jessica and I find out, I'll let you guys no ASAP!!! I have a pretty good idea though that it will most likely be out sometime this month. To know more about the book and see my art, go to my DeviantART page:


So until my next post, I'll be training at Camp Half-Blood!

PS: No wait. Scratch that. I'll be at Hogwarts.

PPS: uhhh..nevermind. Damn it....now I can't decide! Ugh!